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2021- A new year

Rebecca Boardman

First blog post of the year! First of all happy new year to all reading this. I always think it’s great to start off the new year by looking ahead- what do you want to achieve? Having a strong sense of purpose and a clear plan set out can really keep you focused on what you want from the year..although life can’t be planned out to the letter and things change, but it’s nice to have that initial focus.

So, I thought this blog post would be a great place to set out what I hope to achieve in 2021.. and then maybe at the end of the year I can look back and compare to see how I’ve achieved!

so these are the things I’ll be focusing on in 2021:

  1. Become a DevOPs Engineer

  2. Start learning python and create a little python application however small or however big

  3. Focus on website branding: it’s really important to have your own website identity- move the website to be less generic and more about the person behind the blogs!

  4. Obtain the AWS Solutions Architect Professional qualification

  5. Start working towards AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional

  6. Read a few books: at the moment I’ve started reading the Phoenix project but I also want to move onto the DevOps hand book after! If you have any good DevOps Book recommendations.. please let me know!

  7. Create a containerised application

  8. Create more cloudformation Templates to deploy infrastructure as code

  9. Champion and create CI/CD pipelines

  10. Gain more work experience in AWS

Hopefully the above will give you some form of idea on the what I’m focusing on this year, it also give some insight into perhaps future blog posts that will be featured on this site. I’m excited for the year ahead!

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